Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Don

If you like to think of Joe Paterno as a gentle, sort-of-out-of-it old man, who just liked to coach young men to play football the "right way" and live a simple life in a smallish rambler home on the outskirts of campus, well, here's another JoePa.

Joe Pa, bidnessman.

And when it comes to conflict of interest on reporting Jerry Sandusky's alleged shower rape of a 10 year old boy, well, here's some serious smoke. 

Soon we'll see if there's fire.
Paterno and three other investors — including the chairman of the charity, The Second Mile — helped secure funding to build a $125 million luxurious retirement community on Penn State property in 2002, according to the iPad newspaper The Daily. 
Paterno, 84, also had deals with charity members on a bottled-water company, a coaching Web site and a chain of convenience stores. 
Paterno, who was fired for not doing more to stop the alleged abuse, made an initial investment of $125,000 for the retirement project, which went bust. 
“From a logical standpoint, how do you have this group of people that are so intertwined with each other, and then have something like this come up, and then they not talk about it?” Jeffrey Fritz told The Daily.
Like I said a few weeks ago: I think what we find out about Joe Paterno in the coming months, will melt our heads.


  1. What? How is the retirement/investment project "intertwined" with Second Mile and a rapist? Yeah the person 'speaking' about it is from Second Mile....but that's the only relation I see. The investment or project has absolutely nothing to do with Second Mile from what I gather out of the story.

  2. Steve, The Second Mile Foundation was "the" charity in State College. Anyone with influence or cash was tied to 2nd Mile. It's not a conspiracy, it's just a small town, where everyone knows everyone. But don't let facts get in the way of a good story. How 'bout you start bashing Boheim even slightly as much as you're clubbing Joe? I can't take your hypocrisy anymore.

  3. What's happening, neat web page you've gotten in here.
