Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Charles Ramsey is A One-Man TRUTH Cannon!

"Bro, I knew somethin' was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms. Somethin' is WRONG here. Dead giveaway! Deaaaddddd giveaway. Deaaaaadddddddddddddd giveaway. Either she homeless, or she got problems. That's the only reason why she's running to a black man!"

I smell another auto-tune classic!


  1. Guy should get his own Sunday morning talking head show. I would watch every week

  2. A sub-plot reveals itself at 1:06...

    The bald guy is straining not to laugh.

    This is a YouTube for the ages.

  3. Ramsey is a national treasure.

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gP5Ud_juMTw "Michael The 330" lives forever!!!!

  5. This just came to me. Google Eddie Murhpy in Coming to America. One of the parts he played was a barber. Ramsey and Clarence the barber are separated at birth! Check it out. The hair, the crazy manner of speaking. It is hilarious.

  6. Hahaha that guy is great - he exemplifies why reality TV will forever rule the tube.

  7. When I heard about this my cynic meter went off and I thought he was mugging for the camera so he could be the next internet sensation. But looking at the actual video makes me think he was the real deal. That dude's a trip.

  8. http://youtu.be/nZcRU0Op5P4

    It has been songified!
