Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Get Herpes And Go Away Already, You Loser!

Lance Easley is like many Americans: he'll take any amount of fame, even stupid dysfunctional fame, for 15 minutes rather than just get on with his life.

Easley was the guy who famously f'ed up the Packer-Seahawk game by ruling Golden Tate's last second "hey look my hand is in here!" supposed TD catch was "simultaneous possession". 


From the moment it happened. Today. Tomorrow. Forever.

Easley agreed to comically "referee" the Richard Sherman charity softball game this past weekend. Never mind that softball has something called "umpires" not referees. Never mind that Richard Sherman is a mouthy clown whose team didn't even make the NFC Championship game, much less win the Super Bowl.

Nah. Just  squeeze that dirty bar rag of fame one last time to see what juice is left in it.

It was a light-hearted moment for the ref who is praised in Seattle and loathed in Green Bay for his call to end the Monday night game. The “Fail Mary” is one of the lasting images from last season and served as the final straw to bring a resolution between the league and the referee’s union putting an end to the replacement officials. Despite being thrust into the limelight, Easley remains steadfast that his call was the right one and says he wouldn’t change anything about the game or the ensuing fallout.

“I wouldn’t change anything,” Easley said. “I can’t. The NFL upheld it. I’ve looked at plenty of video. I’ve talked to my replay guys, and there was nothing that could turn it over.

“It was just one of those calls that will live in NFL history.”

Easley said the scrutiny of the replacement officials in the media was something they were aware of and that it affected his decision-making process on the play.
“If I regret anything I probably would have talked it over a little bit with my partner,” Easley said. “I thought he saw the same thing but because of the media and the way they were getting after us every week and the pressure, I thought to myself ‘OK, I know what I have. If we talk about it the media is going to crucify us like look at those idiots, they don’t know what they’re doing.’”
As one commenter succinctly put it: "Oh, so you still think it was the right call? Then how come....

a. The play is called the "Fail Mary"
b. The real refs returned to work basically the next day?

"I have no further questions, your honor."

Had Easley admitted he blew the call, and gone about his life I would cut him some slack. Even if he and his scabs DID willingly take jobs they KNEW they were NOT qualified for, compromising their brothers-in-stripes negotiating position with the NFL, and clearly affecting the legitimacy of the outcomes while they were working.

But no. This dumb prick just won't go away.

I wish him aggressive Stage 5 lip and penis herpes.

Goodbye, Lance. You suck.


  1. I never want him to go away. He is a shining example of why Roger Goodell is nothing more than a turd on the shoe of the NFL. All he does is smear shit all over the floor. Keep on trucking Mr. Easley, keep proving what idiots you and Goodell are.

  2. In a 1965 Playoff game against the Colts, a last second missed field goal by Don Chandler (One of the 60s top placekickers, Chandler KNEW he had shanked it as you can see him turn away in disgust after he kicked it) was called "good", tying the game and forcing an overtime in which the Packers evetually triumphed. That "Win" paved the way for Green bay's 3 Straight titles so regarding the "Failed Mary", SHADDAP already.

    That missed call, BTW, inspired the lengthening of the uprights, despite which, the regular zebras STILL blow it on field goal calls and the NFL ignorantly refuses to allow such calls to be reviewed.

    Bottom line: What goes around, comes around, folks. Some times it just takes 48 years or so.

    PS: The "Regular" referees, some of whom can't even get THE COIN TOSS right (Ask Jerome Bettis), could have blown the EXACT SAME call so quit yer whining on this one, Czabe.

    1. By your reasoning Albert Einstein, Chandler should be bragging to this day about the great field goal he made to save the game in '65 against the Colts.

      Easley is a shameless and pathetic tool is the point, regardless of what team his obviously atrocious call favored or screwed. He should be embarrassed for making a complete ass of himself on national TV. Instead, he exacerbates it with complete denial and this opportunistic, low rent, Barnum-and-Bailey-side-show.

      So it's not about the call per se. It's about a shameless dick. Got that? Good. :)

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    3. am tabitha from california.i want to testify about the good work of dr ezomo the great herbalist.i was a patient of genital herpes for good 3 years of pain and suffering i lost hope for everything about life one day i was surfing the internet i met comments about these great herbalist dr ezomo i decided to contact him he told me he can help i was suprise to hear that from him because internet is not a place to trust anymore he told what i need to do which i actually did but today am cured from that deadly virus i want you all to follow me thank dr ezomo for the great thing he has done in my life please if you found yourself in such situation please contact him via email:drezomospellhome@hotmail.com or contact me at tabithazachary@gmail.com to give more brief about dr ezomo or call him on +2349032744617

  3. Thank you for that unbiased rebuttal, Bill from Green Bay.

  4. It's objective Einstein. Using your logic (once again), I guess Czaban is from Green Bay too.

  5. Congratulations, Bill!

    Game, set, match to me.

    You disqualified yourself from any credibility when you opened your response by resorting to name-calling worthy of an 8-year old.

    Well, maybe worthy of a 10-year old since you DID leave out "NYAH, NYAH, NYAH, NYAH, NYAAAAH, NYAH!

  6. i love you steve czaban, cant wait till b and b get their lazy asses back to work, i thought the same exact thing when i saw this on espn. unreal, thanks lance you ass for screwing our playoffs, yours truly, pissed off packer fan.

  7. So Al, your argument against a horrible call and the d-bag of a wanna-be referee making fun of it for the team it benefited is to say, oh, well they deserved it because the team the call went against had a bad call go their way 48 years ago? That speaks more to your hatred of one team rather than being a real fan of good football. I suppose the Lions deserved their decade plus of losing because of Phil Luckett's botched coin toss? Or did the Lions deserve to get that call on the coin toss because the Steelers benefited from the Immaculate Reception call 26 years earlier? That must be it.

    What goes around comes around is the most ridiculous argument you could make. If you think it wasn't a bad call, then give a reason why. Anything else shows you as a biased either for Seattle, or against Green Bay (I am assuming the latter) and your reasoning amounts to no more than the equivalent of, "I know you are, but what am I?"

    The outrage here is that this clown shouldn't be refereeing pee-wee football, and when he shows up at this event he makes it seem like blowing the call was no big deal, or that perhaps the fix was in. I would think that Vegas alone would want his head for the amount of money that changed hands because of that botched call.

  8. The other thing that everyone else seems to miss is that this massive tool is writing a book, titled "Making the Call: Living With Your Decisions".

    Here's the description of Barnes & Noble's website:
    What if your life hinged on a decision you had to make in a split second? That’s the compelling story of NFL referee Lance Easley. As a “replacement referee” during 2012’s referee lockout, Easley thought he’d earned his dream job—until he made a disputed call during a Monday night game viewed by more than 16 million people. Suddenly, Easley found himself the target of scorn, hatred, even death threats. Thankfully, his solid Christian faith helped see him through the controversy. In Making the Call: Living with Your Decisions, Easley—along with bestselling cowriter Brock Thoene—explains that life is about much more than making a single call. It’s about deciding beforehand just how you’ll live with the calls you make.

    So, his choice on how to live with the call he made is to prance around and show off about it? How about keeping quiet, and not causing the anger to flare up?

    I'm a Packer fan. So, yeah, I'm a little biased. I said I wouldn't watch another game after that unless they brought the real refs back; my bluff was never called. To be honest, if I see this crap again, even if it's against a rival team, I'd still be quite pissed off. I'm interested in fair competition. If I wanted to watch something scripted, I'd watch reality TV or something else.

  9. Mootay,

    I never said it wasn't a bad / horrible / terrible call. But in the pantheon of bad calls, I think it may not even crack the top 10.

    I AM saying that to single out and excoriate this guy for HIS bad call, in light of the PLETHORA of outrageous calls made by the "real zebras" on virtually a weekly basis, is ludicrous.

    As for his public appearances,comments, book, etc. He's just making the best of his 15 minutes of NFL fame.

    So. Would. You.

    PLUS, as a bonus for the NFL, no murders or firearms were involved!

  10. Sorry, Albert -- I agree with your statement above right up to the point where you suggest everyone else would capitalize on the 15 minutes of fame.

    There are plenty of people out there who don't enjoy being the center of attention even for positive reasons. Taking advantage of your "15 minutes of fame" for being terrible at your job just makes it that much worse, in my opinion.

  11. Seriously? This is like blaming the elephants for the Circus.

  12. Point taken, Matt. I will concede that.

    I do suggest more WOULD that would NOT seize the opportunity.

  13. I apologize Einstein. I see stupid comments and sometimes I chime in. It's a weakness.

    Btw, given this is the era of instant replay and HD, super-slo-mo technology, it is easily the worst call in NFL history IMO.

    A goofball unqualified rent-an-idiot makes a hideous call and the Ringling Brothers in the freaking booth didn't overturn it. Then Goodell triples down with some ridiculous "we stand behind the call" statement in the days that followed.

    This kind of crap ruins the NFL product and isn't trivial. Treating your fans like brain-dead imbeciles is not good policy, and this jackass Easley shouldn't be peacocking around after making a complete farce of both himself and the entire league.

    But some dude may have shanked a field goal that was called "good" in 1965 in real time with no replay. Thus, any commentary on this horse's ass Easley is whining...

    Yeah, whatever sunshine :)

  14. The continued name calling renders your "apology" and what you perceive as stupid totally meaningless, Bill.

    After your latest response, though, I WOULD like to apologize for comparing you an 8 or 10 year old.

    That WAS unfair and insulting.

    To 8 and 10 year olds.

  15. Sorry Stuart Smalley Einstein. Good god you sensitive dork.

    When your arguments blow you resort to calling a harmless name caller with far superior arguments a name caller. Whatever.

    Btw, the NFL, with the head injury/concussion 'epidemic' and the gangsta felon problem (see Hernandez, Aaron et al) and the dwindling stadium revenues given HD TV etc, having a pisant disgrace like Easley running around and reminding everyone about how the integrity of the game was gang-raped last fall is just sublime.

    I love the NFL which is why this isn't trivial like I said. The NBA sucks rocks after a brilliant 20 year run with Magic/Bird/ Jordan. I don't want the NFL to follow suit.

  16. So, NOW you think even MORE name-calling makes you "superior", Bill?

    Laughable, but hardly unexpected, logic.

    "Super sensitive" ?


    And yet, YOU'RE the one reduced to that childish rant.

    Poor Bill.

    If this were a prize fight you'd have just suffered your third knockdown and the ref would have stopped it.

    If it were World War II, you would be the equivalent of France in 1941, or possibly Poland in '39.

    If it were a trial, your attorney would have desperately advised you to plead the 5th.

  17. Uhh, Einstein, what in the ever loving hell are you babbling about?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. The fact that you have to inquire speaks volumes, Bill.

    I guess I should have KNOWN those analogies would be way over your comprehension level.

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