Well folks, by now, I bet you figured it out.
I’ve been nothing but tail-lights leaving the FSR parking lot since about the end of the 3rd quarter.
Sorry. A.L.E. theory. To the bitter end.
Actually, I was willing and prepared to run out the string here with Scotty and Solly. But the skipper came over to my locker, asked for the playbook, shook my hand, and said “go ahead and start enjoying the holidays.”
I’m sorry it had to end, but then again, I prefer not to look at it that way. I see a new beginning. I see fun things available to me that I always wanted to do. This might be, as they say, the start of something big. Somewhere. Sometime. Maybe soon. But maybe not. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
I have been floored by the volume, and passion of your emails the last few weeks. And I am sure to be getting a lot more, since I’m guessing that only about 30% of you know what’s going on just yet.
I have also been amazed at the number of calls from industry people – people I have never met in my life – who said they were listeners and fans of the show. It seems like every day I’ve been telling Scott and Solly: “Dude, guess who called me today…”
While I am dealing with this change in stride, I know that you guys are not. For this, I feel bad, and wish something could be done. You had invited me into your cars, your homes, your bedrooms every morning. This is now gone. There’s a void. Five years (or more) is a long time.
For everyone who said: “I’m cancelling my XM subscription now” I say this: don’t. Don’t because it’s still the greatest thing ever invented for a radio fan. And well, if you cancel, and then have to un-cancel later, that would be a hassle, right? Just sayin….
Me and the fellas are taking the next week off, and then we’re back to our local schedule in the new year. We will start a daily podcast/czabecast that will hopefully deliver on the 3-5 big stories of the day. It ain’t much, but it’s something.
In the meantime, I would love to do one final “Behind the Music” Czabecast on some of the show’s highlights, lowlights, and car-crash stupid-funny-awful moments over the years. But I need your help.
I’ve forgotten most of them!
You people, never forget. I love that about you.
(Except remembering the A.C. Green interview and the headphone smashing. That, you can forget. Thanks.)
So go ahead, shoot me an email at czabe@yahoo.com or just post a show moment here, and we’ll scoop up the best ones, and riff on them when we get back together.
Finally, a very kind blurb from SI.com’s Richard Deitsch about the show, by way of Michael Grant in Louisville. Again, two people I’ve never met before! Nice.
Then, I pulled a small sample of emails from the in-box.
Sorry I had to “ALE” it on you guys, but then again, if you didn’t figure that out and follow me shortly afterward to the exits, then I obviously taught you guys nothing.
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
THE LAST WORD (Richard Deitsch, SI.com)
In what qualifies as a head-scratching move, Fox Sports Radio announced it was replacing Steve Czaban with Stephen A. Smith as the host of one of its national radio shows. Czaban, whose contract was not renewed by FSR after seven years, will continue to be heard during afternoon drive on DC's ESPN 980, WTEM after his last national show airs on Dec. 23. I heard Smith nearly every day when he hosted his talk show in New York City on 1050 ESPN Radio and a simple Google search will tell you how that experiment ended, and how this ultimately will in a couple of years. As for Czaban, I asked Louisville Courier-Journal sportswriter Michael Grant, a longtime listener of Czaban and Fox Sports Radio, to offer his postscript on the move.
Steve Czaban always reminded me of the high school friend you didn't agree with but couldn't stop listening to, either. He's a mixture of odd, crass, and intense, but also engaging, informative and funny. If you're anything like me, you value such voices.
I was tremendously disappointed upon hearing that Czaban will no longer be doing his national show for Fox Sports Radio because the airwaves will be an emptier place without him. His was one of the few sports-talk shows I listened to daily, and if I couldn't listen live, I recorded it on my portable satellite radio.
Czaban was a terrific entertainer but he also challenged listeners to consider different viewpoints, mostly about sports but also subjects away from it. (Who wants homogenized radio?). He was passionate about the NFL as he was about The Simpsons.
He also was strangely averse to text-messaging, MySpace and Facebook like some octogenarian technophobe, but I enjoyed such old-school quirkiness.
I've been an avid listener to sports radio since the embryonic days of the format in the 1980s and today's sports-talk show landscape is littered with too many wannabes, snoozers and flat-out losers. With Czaban, you never felt cheated. You never felt like he mailed in a show. He always sounded like someone who prepared and cared. Now Czaban is gone, replaced by (groan) Stephen A Smith.
Ironically, Czaban was an advocate of the "A.L.E." theory, which suggests "always leave early" from sporting events to avoid traffic. For me, "The Czabe" is leaving the national airwaves much too early.
You were the only reason I kept my magic radio and the last show on FSR worth my time listening to. I listened to the show, end of the live show and full replay, everyday at work for the past 4 years. I loved the show for everything. I loved the nuances of jerseys and uniform combos and how you'd crush the guys who complained about you not talking about sports.
I didn't need the sports, I wanted the funny stories of running over doors, hitting deer, drilling noises in the background from your lovely station construction and on the phone while ordering McDonalds at the drive in. My days are filled with sound bites from the show. One of my favorite shows was the all request line for sound bites. The Michigan State rant is probably my favorite although Ben Knop booing kills me every time.
I also loved "Bug Talk". I don't know what I will do without the show. I will be canceling my XM subscription and turning off FSR for good. I will not stop drinking the Leinie's though. I probably wouldn't have found that delicious nectar without your sponsorship and visits with Dick and Jake. It is a fantastic beer and I have made several other huge fans as well.
I can't listen to Same and Samer so I guess the freaks on Coast to Coast AM will have to take your place on morning radio! I really can't believe the Czabe is out. I will really miss your show.
Adam Ramthun
Today is the day that I found out that your show was cancelled, and today sucks. Your show was one of the only things that I could count on to make me laugh out loud each and every day. Every morning I listened to 1 hour while I commuted to work, the 2nd hour on my lunch break during the replay, and the third hour I downloaded via the KLAC website while I was working. I am at a loss for words. The show was insightful, edgy, and hilarious. Better than any other sports radio show in my opinion. You guys spoke your mind and really talked on a level that I related to. Now that the initial shock has worn off, it's really just anger that I feel. This really just pisses me off. I wish you, Scott, and Solly the best, and I hope to hear you guys on a national radio show again in the near future.
A loyal Listener
Aaron Enstrom
Green Bay, WI
While my politics often fall to the left of yours (about the only thing I disagree with you on), I've always enjoyed your show and will miss having you guys on in the morning. My alarm is set for 6:00am where your show has always woken me up, allowing me to gradually get up while listening to the show...yes, the Daily Czabe was my "2 minute" warning letting me know that I had no choice to get up or else. My wife, Margie, has also enjoyed your show. She often gets up before me and is spending time getting ready while your show is on in the backgroun (while I still lay lazily in bed) always getting a good laugh from you and the boys. Like me, she was upset when I told her the news Tuesday morning after I had read your post on Czabe.com.
Ryan Johnson
Richmond, VA
I could go on and on about the show but I won't. Instead, I'll mention one of my favorite pieces of the show. A year or two ago you, Scott and Galdi did 'espnews' on the radio. You all read over each other current sports news. It was incredibly funny.
Eric Becerra
San Antonio
Anyways, it almost had to go down like this. You never would've left on your own and everytime you've left a job you've gone on to better things. Chances are half your life is over. You might live past 84, but I doubt your quality of life will be as it is now. So in this last half, time is precious. You've been working your ass off, compromising your health. Now it's time for the Winter of Czabe. Go down to Florida and work on your golf game. P90x has no doubt enhanced your long game. I'm sure you have plenty of fans out there only too happy to pay your greens fees. Enjoy!
Joe Roznowski
Man, I was so happy that Vinny finally go the axe and now I find out about this and it's ruined! I recently traded in my car (which had xm) for a new car with Sirius and was upset that FSR was not on Sirius. Rather than deal with 4 letter radio, I downloaded an app on my iphone that allowed me to listen to FSR and would plug that into my aux input to hear you guys while in the car. Unfortunately I have been lazy recently and haven't been doing that, I tuned this week a few times just to hear Chris Moore on and subsequently tuned out, but I assumed you guys were just away for the holidays. Very sad to see you guys go. Being a Redskins fan in south Jersey is tough enough, it was good to hear another Redskins fan on the radio and share the frustration, not to mention it was cool to send you guys text messages about Phil Simms talking about the snowball incident, and actually have you read it on the air! Fortunately I just found an app that allows me to listen to 980, so I am looking forward to listening to your local show. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteOld Friend - to say that I am shocked would be an understatement. I've listened to you since I last lived in the DC area 5 years ago, listning to you on 980. I purchased XM Radio (not Sirius Radio) so that I could enjoy you and the boys driving to and fro from my new home in North Carolina. I have always hated the Redskins and the little troll owner, but listening to you suffer through every season made me feel a little pang of sympathy for the real football fans in the DC area - my loyalties are rooted 40 miles north of Raljon. Anyway, Steven Smith is un-listenable - what the suits at FSR were thinking is beyond my comprehension. Much luck to you and I look forward to your next national gig where I can again turn on my XM and find you chirping about all the things we guys really think about but now other sports talk shows have the balls to say. Michael, NC
ReplyDeleteI only listen to you on the sports reporters, so I don't really care about the FSR cancellation. Other than I don't want bad things to happen to you.
ReplyDeleteIs there any way to get you back on in the mornings on 980? I listen to 106.7 in the morning because, as bad as it is, it's still better than m&m.
Hmmm, "And well, if you cancel, and then have to un-cancel later, that would be a hassle, right? Just sayin...".
ReplyDeleteIf you're saying what I think you're saying, then the Magic Radio will have a new customer. Just sayin...
You'll be getting hand-cut audio files of your best moments!
ReplyDeleteJust one, briefly:
when you picked Pittsburgh to cover vs. San Diego last year and Scott baited you into a "lock."
"You drew me offsides with a hard count, hut hut, hut hut hut..."
Jesse in the 913
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ReplyDeleteIt was a great run Steve. Thanks for all the audio gems.
ReplyDeleteHear you soon I'm sure.
Enjoy Christmas and be nice to your wife.
(sniff) Czabe is no more.
ReplyDeleteGoodbye, Czabe (sniff)
First those FSR bastards rip Tony Bruno from me and now they s-can the Czabe... dammit why do they keep giving me coal for xmas?! DIE FSR DIE!!!
ReplyDeletewill miss yah Czabe... 3am to 5am here in CA won't be the same without yah.
Lived in Martinsburg, WV in 2007-2008 and listened on 980 as best as possible due to the in and out reception. I moved to Colorado at the end of 2008 and was ecstatic to hear your show in the early morning 4AM-5AM on 104.3 the Fan in Denver. I've listened to it daily on my early morning commute and now I am sad to hear about FSR's (IMO) poor decision. I hope someone else will get your show back onto the national syndicate soon. There is absolutely no way I'm listening to Stephen A. Smith, so i guess i will convert to listening to music/traffic on the way to work. I will however continue to support Leinenkugel's as if it wasn't for you i would have never been introduced to it and enjoy it at least twice per week. Hopefully they will find you again in the future and sponsor you wherever you end up. Faithfull follower - Dogham
ReplyDeleteGoing to miss you Czabe... the drives around the ATL will not be the same. I use to not mind getting stuck in traffic because I always had some Czabe recorded on the portable XM, but now... this sucks.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the Czabe casts... keep them coming.
Best of luck to you, Scott and Solly in 2010.
I sent an email to FSR loudly proclaiming my disgust with this turn of events, and that I will not EVER listen to ANYTHING on FSR again. All I got in response was a link to the press release announcing Steven A.'s new gig. Fuck him, and fuck FSR.
ReplyDeleteI mean, I could go on about my dissapointment... But why bother when Crotalus summed it up so eloquently for me? Fuck him, and Fuck FSR. Brilliant.
ReplyDeleteSAY IT AINT SO MAN!!!
I kinda figured something was up when you disappeared a couple of weeks ago but then I was hoping it might have just been an extended vacation...shows you how much I keep up with the rest of the world huh?
Well sonuvabitch...and for STEVEN A SMITH?!?! Of all the people why that douche bag?!?!
Well, my man...thanks for making my first three hours at work more enjoyable over the last seven years...I look forward to continuing to listen to you on the World Wide Interwebs and here locally with Andy on the Sports Reporters...
Meantime have a Happy New Year...
Rob in Norfolk
I guess I should have seen this coming with the last couple weeks of guest hosting, but it took me until this morning to figure it out. I got up and booted up my computer dying to hear Czabe's take on the Urban Meyer nervous breakdown over the weekend, and find this instead. Good luck to you, thanks for the great radio and come back sooon, seems like there should be room for you on XM Sports Nation 144. Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteThis is crap... Typical FSR... Pulling good shows with no reason. I tried listening to Steven Annoying Smith this morning. Turned it off after 5 minutes. Fortunatly, i work in the b-more area and will be able to hear you there. Thanks for the fun!
ReplyDeleteCzabe, good luck and I hope you end up somewhere on the 'magic box' again soon. I am looking at a really bad withdrawal already. You have been the best thing on radio and it would be a travesty to not have you back on a national stage again soon.
ReplyDeleteWhat a stupid move by FSR. Smith is terrible and will be pulled within a short time. Everything else on FSR paled in comparison to your show and now? I won't be listening at all.
UPON FURTHER REVIEW(it is Mon. morning) this sucks. I figured you would be back from an extended vacation(Chris Moore...I like), so when I get into my car at 3:05am pst there's no Czabe, no Chris Moore...and THIS MIGHT BE A DUMB QUESTION but "Why the hell is Steven A. Freakin Smith on my radio station?" Again, this sucks. I got home, went on line and sure enough,this asshole is wasting my time when I should be listening to the Czabe. LOCK N LOAD.... Smith will not last very long. He sucks! Hey Smith...WHERE YOU AT & WHAT YOU HALLIN'?? the answers are shit and shit. Did I say, THIS SUCKS! Good luck to you, Scott, and Solly. You guys ARE THE BEST.
ReplyDeleteNOOOOooooo......CZABE where you at? What you haulin?????
ReplyDeleteWhat a disappointment and shock to find out that Steve, Scott and Solly would no longer be a part of my morning. I often requested that our local radio carry your entire show and now we have some idiot named Steve A Smith. I turned him and Fox sports Radio OFF. What the crap is Fox thinking? Hears hoping that you guys start up a new national show. Take care!
I was having a Merry Christmas until I finally put two and two together this morning and figured out my daily dose of morning drive time sanity had been cut off.
ReplyDeleteI want to thank you, Czabe, for a lot of chuckles through the years. I hope we can meet again in my car some time in the future.
Man this blows so hard. I, like so many others above, figured you were out on an extended holiday break.
ReplyDeleteThis blows double because I live in Indy and my local drive host on WNDE (JMV - who you had on your show to discuss the HBO Dirty Driving documentary) threw in the towel just around Thanksgiving, so my morning and afternoon drive options are now limited to NPR or ESPN (which is terrible).
I won't even get into how bad Stephen A Smith is and how I'll never listen to FSR anymore... others have said it better.
Very, very sad news.
I listened to Stephen A Smith a full 5 minutes before I turned the dial on FSR forever, or at least until they get that guy off the air.
ReplyDeleteWe want CZABE, we want CZABE!!
Like Darf I am an Indy native and having a VERY bad week. The Colts lay down, Stephen Ass Smith on my radio (with some annoying skirt) and I could go on. The time and technology is right to do something online (give it a shot). I think one of the best memories you could do of the show would be a Top 10 of all the "one and done" Wed. segments. Most were dead before they started -- but you tried......and that energy/effort is what the show was all about.
ReplyDeleteWe definitely need some closure -- so do something...
I got the news a few weeks ago, so I was not surprised by this very bad move. FOX will regret it soon when affiliates start peeling off. I checked in on XM this afternoon, on the replay just to make sure that it wasn't a hoax. Not only is steven a awfull, HE HAS A FEMALE SIDEKICK! Does he want to fail?
ReplyDeleteAs for losing Czabe, "Harumph, I don't like it!"
We here in Louisville stand 100% ready to help any way we can to boost you back into the National Limelight. If that doesn't work, we can show you and other Czabe fans how to party at Derby. Serious, I annot believe how so many awesome things have to come to such an end. Screw upper management. They have NO FREAKIN IDEA - nothing against Smith, but that crap will be cancelled in a year ortwo, and you will have already moved on into another "coaching" position. I sent you an e-mail, BTW, and yes, I am still drunk - it's a good thing to have Chemical Engineers as friends at Makers and Jim Beam - lol. PEace to all - and let's get the Czabe show back National!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt has been a said week, since I heard the official news. While I don't always agree with you, I did appriciate the morning laughs. I just hope the suits at FSR realize the marketing-appeal you had. As I sit here enjoying a Leinie's Fireside Nut Brown, watching my Bears give it to Brett Farve, winding down from my P-90X workout, I couldn't help but lift a glass in honor of the Czabe. The good news is that there should be a few empty seats in the Redskin Front Office. Best of luck to you Czabe. Best wishes to your family. God Speed.
ReplyDeleteI'm overwhelmed to say the least...The one thing I cling to everyday, other than my Sunset Wheat nipple, is your show...I'm loyal since the Charlotte days with the T.O.B.(tourney of babes) and I guess you know me from your response to my Spurrier "leaks at Augusta" email to Scott a couple of years ago...From "where you at" to "the superfriends" you guys made sportstalk radio what it should be, funny, inneractive and enlightening...What would Stanley from Sacramento say right about now; "Ima tell ya somethin, tell ya sumpem right now!"..Beer Bless you Czabe and crew for my ten years of Chris Farleyness, "THAT WAS AWESOME!"
Columbia, SC
I didn't now you were leaving and then I woke up to that former ESPN clown this morning. Fox Sports Radio just lost my business. Good luck. Hopefully 960 ends up on XM!
ReplyDeleteyet again FSR seems to find a way to screw them selves in the ass.. looks like its time for me to find a new radio station to listen to.. first they get rid of Ben Maller, then they cut Race day on Fox to 1 day instead of 2 days.. and now the Czabe is gone.. wtf is the point even having the radio station.. why not just shut the whole friggin thing down and do reruns of shows from the last 20 years.. theres no one funny to listen to any more except a bunch of half educated retards during the day arguing with each other about their own teams.. and im so effin fed up with the A smith's retarded ass stutter and his stupid side kick broad that doesnt know a dang thing about sports..
ReplyDeleteit was fun Czabe.. enjoyed your show for the last 5 years every night from 3-6 am.. hopefully you get another nationwide show again soon so i can actually have something to listen to at night..
ReplyDeleteSo sad. Loved your show.
The fact that they got this MORON to fill in your spot is SCHEIT!
I grew up in Philly and I used his columns to line the kitty litter box!
Hope to hear from you and the boys soon.
God speed & Sic Semper Tyraanis!
Richmond, VA
Hi czabe i was a listener when you were in chicago in the late 90s,I loved the show from that day on i am sad to hear that the show has STOP for now. But till the show starts up again please keep us fans posted with a web page.I will miss the daily czabe you have a good new year and hope to hear in 2010 william in los angeles
ReplyDeleteDamn Czabe that sucks. I just recently moved from the Green Bay area where I listened to you in the morning and at noon, and was going through withdrawls, as the FSR station where I am now wouldn't play any of the FSR morning shows. I've been listening to you since you were broadcasting out of Chicago and obviously Bob & Brian. This really is sucky news, its probably made even worse like a kick in the nuts for them to place Stephen A.-hole in your spot. That'll flame out soon. I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping you show up somewhere soon on the national dial. Meanwhile I'll just have to keep listening to the pod and Bob & Brian.
to anyone out there that cannot hear Czabe any longer...sure you can get podcasts here. AND i swear this is not a shameless plug- My name is neither Bob nor Brian...but you can go to http://1029thehog.com/Podcasting/4295048 and get all your favorite Czabe snips, Jimmy Masterlock and other quality snips from the Milwaukee show. download you fill of Czabe, stack your I pod and then your mornign commute can once again be filled with the Czabe. this is my favorite segment of the Bob and Brian show. and you won't feel any seperation anxiety
ReplyDeleteI wanted to let you know that Omaha and the entire state of Nebraska is pissed about this as well like so many other areas. Me and my fellow sales team will sorely miss the 90s rejoin and all of the other great bits and great radio. Our FSR affiliate has no local show and now no real reason to listen. And I certainly won't be getting down with Mike and Mike. As Jason Whitlock said, "The next time they say anything informative or insightful will be the first."
You will be missed here, I assure you. Best of luck and hopefully you get back on the air around here.
ReplyDeleteI work at home and would listen early in the morning and then the rejoin mid day off the internet. Loved when David Stern visted and "Where you are and what you hallin?". I tried not to miss on Friday when the Leinenkugel brothers visited. I also loved the Tears of Clown segment. I hope you "Super Friends" will come back soon. Thanks for all the smiles!
This sucks big hairy donkey balls!
ReplyDeleteI want my Czabe back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I seriously don't know how I will live without you....
Major bummer Czabe. I loved the show and will not be a FSR listener as long as Stephen A. is polluting the airwaves. Sad to say but I guess it is back to milquetoast Mike and Mike...
ReplyDeleteCzabe please get back on the radio soon. I have been bouncing from station to station in order to get my sports fix. It just aint the same.
ReplyDeleteAny chance of getting an extended stay on B&B? It always seems (much to my delight) that you are going over your time with them. Im sure you could talk the suits into a little extra tick for Czabe. Hope to hear you a little more in the WI area as soon as possible!
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ReplyDelete"This might be a dumb question", but why would FSR not renew the contract of the most original and hilarious sports radio host on the radio?
ReplyDeleteFavorite moments:
The invention of the name "Cletus the slackjawed robot."
Every weekly interview with then Rams Head Coach Scott Linehan. (funny because they were just so brutal) What do you ask a coach who is going through a 3-13 season when you have to interview him once a week.
I will also miss the Lou Pinella impressions that your one weekly guest from the MLB would do (his name escapes me). You would always joke about all the angry texts you would get about him when he was on the air. I always thought he was hilarious.
Everytime you made fun of Mike and Mike i cracked up, their lame bit about how Goldberg is a not a real man, and their horrible forced sports arguments where one guy would take a side they actually believed and then the other would be forced to disagree and argue the opposing viewpoint.
I will miss you guys, Czabe, Scottie and the rest of the gang.
Patrick from Pittsburgh
The people who own the rights to Chasing Ghosts will def miss you.
ReplyDeletewhy did they not continue it patrick? because FSR is being cheap.. they probably got dip shit for 1/4 of the cost of having Czabe.. and obviously FSR doesnt give a rats ass about ratings otherwise they would of never had that bogus ass soup show on when they cut First Shift with karen Kaye, and Ben Maller loose without telling anyone.. its typical Fox.. time people quit listening to FSR completely and see how they feel after that..
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ReplyDeleteMy story is probably like all the others... frantically searching the post-holiday airwaves only to find grenade throwing Stephen A something. Needless to say, FSR and I are done. Please keep us posted as to where we can find you: local shows, whatever. I'll listen to you talk about the Redskins before I'd listen to anything else.
Thanks again for the hilarious show.
I am bummed and a little pissed off about Fox not renewing your contract. I learned the hard way - turning on the radio on the way to work Monday, 1/4/10 - I don't work during the holidays, and I don't listen to much radio then. On the odd occasion I didn't hear you over the past week, I assumed you were like me - taking the holidays off
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I heard Steven A. Smith this morning in your time slot and it became clear. He ranted on endlessly about Gilbert Arenas' gun story. That's enough of that. See you later, SAS.
6 months ago, my local affiliate briefly replaced your show with some Sporting News Radio crap, but they acquiesced when your fans complained vociferously.
Just found out today you were no longer doing the show. I am very sorry to hear that. I had given up my XM earlier in the year, and had to search for you on AM. I was elated to find that I was still able to listen to your program for the entire 1 hr commute to work. I was shocked by whom they replaced you with. The show did not do well on "the four letter" and will not do well on FSR. If they thought then needed something big to compete with other Morning sports show, this seems like the wrong choice. He may be knowledgable in some aspects, but is a very polarizing personality.
ReplyDeleteListening to you, Scott, and Solly was like talking sports with friends. The conversations never seemd forced or scripted, and there never seemed the need for a shtick or gimmick to get us to listen. It was just fun.
I would like to add my thanks to you, Scott, and Solly. I hope this is a very temporary arraignment, for our sakes and FSR. Best of luck to you all.
Please find a new home soon. I'll be missing you guys. and SAS is f-ing terrible, just sayin.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is that this is a bunch of SHITE! I can't believe that they replaced you with Steven A. Smith.....WOW....great move! That's like when the Red Sox traded Babe Ruth to the Yankees....ok..ok maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but you get the idea! Steven A. Smith's show should be great when he discusses basketball all friggin day!
Foxsports is no longer a preset on my XM radio, and perhaps that may mean nothing to them, but it certainly means that I will never listen to them. I'm hoping that ESPN will come to their senses, get rid of Colin "Cow-Terd". and put you on. Perhaps there is room at Mad Dog radio, but for god sakes man, something has gotta give!
As Monty Burns once said, I say to the Foxsports radio execs..."DAMN THEIR OILY HIDES!"
Czabe, I like most just assumed you were on extended vacation. Until today, I still had some hope that Screamin A. was pulling Chris Moore duty and just filling in as some sort of subversive joke.
ReplyDeleteMan, I don't know how else to put it but WOW this sucks. For the past 3-4 years, I've always listened to your morning show on my drive into work. Unlike most sports talk radio that feels like drunken idiot babble, I appreciated every bit of your humor, warmth, and honesty. Whether reciting Simpsons trivia, going into an old man conservative guy rant, or genuinely just being entertaining, I loved every minute of it. You rank up with very few others as the genuine best in the business and I'm incredibly sorry to see you go. I hope you'll once again find a national audience, (I'm in Richmond but I'll stream the danny station just to get my daily Czabe fix).
Foxsports radio appears to be whittling their lineup down to "drunken screaming assholes". With the exception of the syndicated Dan Patrick, you were an island of intelligence.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a great ride. You've provided me with the best alternative to the awful local sports radio stations here in Philly. I've listened to you for an hour each day on my ride to work and I'm sick to my stomach now knowing that Stephen A. Smith and Tony Bruno are now on the air. You and Dan Patrick essentially made the day with your great shows to the point where I never considered Mike and Mike or whatever is on after them. Now, I'm forced to listen to them because Stephen A. makes me want to vomit in my mouth. Thanks for all the good times, I'll miss "Where you at, Whatchu Hauling" and the other daily quirks of your show. I've also e-mailed FSN Radio to notify them of my dismay. Hopefully we can hear you again soon on XM. I won't cancel my subscription, but I'll be looking for you on the dial.
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how confused, and then devastated I was, when after the holidays I jumped in my car, tuned to preset #1 and heard Stephen A screaming at me. I thought, surely there is some sort of technical malfunction. Ater two weeks of sitting idle my radio must have reprogramed itself. Searching all my presets yielded no better results. Still NO CZABE! Later in the day, tuning in the rewind, I'm still baffled. Still NO CZABE!! Now I'm thinking, cruel joke. But Stephen A? That is just terrorism. I'm calling Homeland Security.
Your show will be missed. I'm turning off FSR and will wait for your return on Sporting News Radio (or other station with management that has half a brain.)
As for best memories... I will miss the HD updates and most of all the heckler from Toledo. BOOOOOOO... FSR, BOOOOOOOO!
You need to setup a mailing list, your talent isn't unnoticed. You will end up on either an ESPN or a XM station very soon I am sure, and we need a way to know where you land ASAP, I need my morning show!