Monday, November 26, 2012

Snicky du Jour: Jeannie Buss

Even though Phil Jackson was snubbed for Mike D'Antoni this month, he can cry his sorrows to sleep on the lovely Jeannie Buss' shoulders.

Jeannie reminds me of a Katherine Heigl/Susan Sarandon hybrid. And even though her flattering pics on the ol' interwebs outkick her other pics (not so awesome) by a far margin, she's "pretty good. Pretty... pretty... good.... " as Larry David would say.


  1. autoplay of that fsu clip is killing me!!!

  2. Wow Czabe?????? Swing and a miss on this one

  3. Really NOT HOT.. more like Butt ugly. Raise your standards Czabe we expect better than this from you. You must redeem yourself.

    (of course I am an overweight overworked middle age man, so what do I know about hot, right?)

  4. Ditto on the fsu clip autoplaying. That blows goats.

  5. Yep - take the f-ing FSU clip off please. Won't be visiting for about a week in hopes that it'll "fall off" the page by then. Seriously do you even look at your own page ever?

  6. well she ranks ahead of Linda Kohn, who Czabe once pushed upon us. He needs a new intern

  7. The only thing I can think is that someone hacked your website and posted this,,,,

  8. Looks like someone ran the 100 meter dash in a 90 meter gym.

  9. Wow, Czabe you're hitting way to many "mature" sites. Jeannie Buss isn't worthy of snicky-dom, no fucking way.

  10. FSU autoplay clip fixed. Sorry about that. Will work on getting hotter "Snickies."


    1. I suppose that all these guys bed super models each night. I'd do things with her that would land us in jail in 11 countries. Keep up the good work, Czabe.

    2. Corey, of course we aren't banging super models every night. If we were, we wouldn't care if Czabe posted pictures of them or not.

    3. Who in his right mind could characterize her as "but ugly" like one Czabite has? These aren't even good pictures of her. She may not be Angie Harmon hot, but's she's pretty good. Pretty, preeeeetty, preeeeeetty good.
