Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Turn Out the Lights....

To all of my listeners at Fox Sports Radio, I wanted to let you know that come the end of the month I will be parting on good terms with the network. I have had a great 7 year run and appreciate the opportunity to have been such a part of everyone's radio life.

If anybody would like to listen to my local show here in DC, you may do so at www.espn980.com. As always, you can get plenty of daily thoughts and musings from me and the boys at www.czabe.com.

And yeah, I've broken down and actually started a Facebook page where I will live and breathe and update from time to time. ("Steve's current mood is 'Grumpy.'")

To everyone that has reached out to express your thoughts and best wishes, thank you very much. It means the world to us.

To Scott and Solly, my faithful radio warriors, it has been a distinct privilege to work with you guys for all these years. I will have you on any radio show I ever host, from now until eternity.

Here's to a great 2010 and beyond.



  1. Nooooooo...I was a loyal listener on XM142. Any plans to continue doing a national show in the future?

  2. It looks like the Dumbasses at FSR made you take down your original blog... Screamin A Smith will hopefully give that network what it deserves for replacing you. I'm so pissed that they are doing this. I know that you know that your show is the reason why we DON'T listen to Lame and Lamer. Gonna Miss you you guys...and FSR for that matter I wont be back until you guys are.

    Best of Luck from the 618

  3. I'm at a loss for words. Your show has been a highlight of my morning commute and will be greatly missed.

    This is why Fox Sports will always suck.

  4. Liked your first post better. Scrooge em if they can't take a joke!

  5. I can't believe this! I love your show so much :(

  6. As a loyal XM listener, I will just have to say thank you and the whole team--so much fun to listen to and always talked about what I wanted to hear.

  7. Czabe you are the best! The boys and you have always given me a good laugh during the day. God Bless and I will be listening to you on 980. You will be missed on FSR.

    They must be drunk, stupid or both to get rid of you.

  8. Very disappointed to hear the news! I have been a loyal listener for years and will miss the show tremendously. Best sports talk show in the nation, hands down. Hope you will have another national show soon. Screw FSR. Much love from the 937.

  9. "Hunghhhhh...... I don't like it"

    We'll miss the show man! Good luck with future endeavors from the 859.

  10. Unbelievable. The only decent sports talk show on the radio in the morning and now it will be gone.

    I moved from DC to San Antonio, so now I'm stuck with the WORST of both worlds, Mike and Mike and equally unfunny, cretinous local yokel morons.

  11. Agreed, the original post was better and can still be found throughout the Web. Your original post was sincere and thoughtful. This is just plain CENSORED.

    I'm sure the suits at FSR are reading this, so listen up. The Steve Czaban show was the last great thing you had going after the LA Local takeover. Now it's gone, and so am I. Thanks for nothing. We'll be listening to Steve on his local show now. I wonder if I can ESPN Radio in my area...

  12. Here in Denver they had you on at 4 in the morning which is perfect timing for us early morning gym rats.

    I will now listen to my Ipod because I would rather have my fingernails removed than listen to M & M or SS.

    Keep up the blog posts and I will continue to follow you on B & B.

    To FSR (if they are reading this): You are losing a key money spending demographic with this move.

  13. First Shemon & Washington as well as Siciliano & Fernandez and now the Czabe. Well that broke this camels back. Seeya FSR. At least I can still listen to you locally.

  14. If ESPN were really, really smart they'd find a way to get Czabe a national show. He'd instantly be the most talented person on that network.

  15. How can this happen? This is America people!
    Let's take it to the sponsers. Do the good people at 5hr Energy and Wrangler know about this?

    Farve:Packers = Czabe:FSR

  16. This blows! There should be a support group for us. What am I going to do without my daily Czabe? I discover Czabe back in the summer and have been a loyal listener since, basically cutting ties with ESPN Radio in the process. What am I going to do now?

  17. Let's get Czabe back on XM with Russo's Mad Dog Radio. I've already e-mailed. You should as well: maddog@siriusradio.com.

    Thanks, Czabe for entertaining me for the past five years. ...

  18. This is just a bad dream, right? We can not be "Looking Live" at the worst news since the Bears drafted Cade McSuck. The brass at FSR have got to be complete idiots...screw SS. Will be tuning into your local show. The 317 will miss you and the boys.

  19. I'll miss your morning show... fortunately, I'll still get to listen on WTEM. It's a shame the powers-that-be at FSR made you take down your original post.

    LOL Stephen A. Smith.

  20. I hate FSR more than I hate my mundane job. The decisions they make boggle the mind. I appreciate the entertainment you've provided over the last 6 years I've been listening. I hope that you will land somewhere else on XM because without you its not worth the $13 a month. Good luck and Ill be listening to your local show via the world wide interweb. Mike in the 216

  21. czabe had been listening to rome prior to moving to san antonio from the west coast and completely dropped his show for you on the 11:00 rewind here. your callers are 10x better and so are your segments. are you listening FSR donks? surely you will land on your feet. must be some liberal you pissed off in the heirarchy. tis sad. go to xm and do a sports show with a little more politics and golf and you will have the best spending demographic in the world. total tools over there at FSR i guess. they got enough money that they don't care about ratings? oh and sorry to see that you had to sell out on your first post but i understand.

  22. Absolute bulvine shiskabob.

    Well Czabe, you just let us know where you want to go, and we'll do what we can to help make it happen.

    Meanwhile for me, Czabe on XM142 was the only reason for Satellite Radio. They lose out, as does Fox Sports Radio. As does the sponsors.

    All that's left for sports talk in the morning is to listen to Laurel & Hardy on ESPN. And that's why we all listened to you.

    To Fox Sports Radio - the scene comes to mind with Jim Carrey in Bruce Almighty, live on camera, while on the Maid of the Mist.....

    'Back to you, f*****s!' and cue You're #1 gesture.

  23. Hate to pimp my blog, but this may be of interest:


  24. I hope 5 Hour Energy doesn't give another cent to the a$$clowns at FSR.

  25. Damn...I just found you guys about 6 months ago!

    This stinks. I will really miss the Small School Ass Whoopins!

    And Stephen A. Smith!?!?! God god...it IS the apocalypse!

    Oh, well...hello NPR for my commute.

  26. First Mark Patrick, and now you Czabe. If Premiere Radio's PD thinks that I want to hear a knock-off of the 4-letter in the woods' radio noise, then I wish him well in trying to divide that listener pie into even smaller pieces; but I won't be listening. I thank you, Scott, Steve, & Al for keeping me entertained while throwing newspapers all these years - I'll be clicking over here from now on for my daily Czabe.

  27. This is the worst. news. ever. I just ordered P90X, I have a 5-hour Energy regularly and think Czabe, Scotty and Low Def are the bomb. I've got a 'man crush' on Czabe. He speaks for the 'normal' sports fan in the country. Would someone please explain to me how that's a bad thing???

    I love my XM but agree the I'm done with FSR. I left ESPN Radio because they're morons, but also because of Czabe and the old FSR. Now I'm gone from there too.

    I love the Mad Dog Radio idea. I'm on it. My next e-mail is to them. Czabe on Mad Dog would be awesome....

    Thanks for all the great work Czabe and gang. Can't wait for your next national show.

  28. Hey FSR honchos, here is a double barrel Bud Adams for you and that a$$hat Screamin A. Smith. You deserve each other.

  29. Guess I'll comment in this one too, hope your post doesn't get redacted.

    Hopefully you'll be available again in the 412/724 real soon. Your show was a good mix of snark, humor and detailed sports information not provided by the shtick on the 4-letter.

  30. FROM THE 804:






  31. After further review....Worst Decision eveeer!

  32. Time to setup shop in the 5hr energy dome!! DAMN THE MAN!!!! WE WANT OUR CZABE!!!! FSR is bleepin stupid for this! Get on the Satelite wagon man!! You all do a great show and I will miss catching it while I work out and head to the office in the morning.

    Worst off.........are they really replacing you with Stephen A?!?! W T F........mark Dec 23 as one of radios worst days in history.

  33. A total travishamockery!!! FSR has lost me as a listener. I refuse to do the 4 letter in the morning. Total idiots in expensive suits that don't have a clue.

  34. I'll miss you guys more than either of my ex-wives. This is a travesty.

  35. And the hits just keep on coming...W.T.F!!! Czabe I must say that you have the best radio show out there....no one else has a show that is so good that it is played twice a day. I'm in a loss for words. I feel like a member of the family is about to pass on.

    Good luck Czabe with your next venture in life and keep on with the P90X.

  36. Best thing that could have happened... Czabe finds a way to free himself from the shackles of FSR, and then teams with Ross Perot on the Czabe-a-tron 2010, a hand-held subscription-based device that gets live feeds of his new 11 hour daily show for $39.95 a month. Brilliant! Sign me up. You had me at "Hello..."

  37. The Szabe had piss poor ratings. FOX could not carry his show anymore and continue to lose money.

  38. Czabe, I'll be listening to you on 980 now, just please keep up the great content. Fox Sports Radio has some serious problems and now they'll have even more. I'll bet they'll lose some mid-sized affiliates over this.

  39. yes its true FSR has no dick...this may be the worst programming move since WKRP tried to force DR Johnny Fever into spinning Disco...this show is like having a conversation w/my ole high school and college buddies...its real!! Entertaining, informative, sports minded all wrapped up in a deep fat fried tortilla of funny...steven assmith, are you kiddin me, are you pullin my leg FSR...well tanks for notin!!!!

  40. Are you kidding me????!!!!! Now what do I do. Have ever try ro listen to Sport Talk Radio, in L A? I get up at 3am, just to listen to the best show on our radio. Dan comes on right after, and is good, but not Czabe.
    I'm sick. "worst news everrrrrr"

  41. Best of luck Czabe from the 608. Please tell me you are going to do another morning show we can listen you. You, Scott and Solly do a fantastic job - best morning show in America. I need my Czabe!

  42. This is a sad day for me. I've been listening to Czaban since he first came on to my radio back when I lived in Charlotte, NC. I've been a listener ever since. Why would FSR do this? The only reason someone would hire Steven A. Smith is because he comes at a discount. Guess what FSR? You are going to lose advertisers, affiliates and listeners. How does this make you more profitable? It doesn't. Congrats on running FSR into the ground. Dopes. ----- To Czabe and all of the people who work on the show, thanks for 5 great years. You will all be missed.

  43. This is terrible news. I have enjoyed listening to Czabe during the mornings and it just will not be the same. Hopefully he will be on the Magic Radio soon.

    FSR has just shot themselves in the foot. I don't think I will be listening to them after the first of the year.

  44. SOrry you had to post this horseshit blog in place of the first one.

    Makes me even more so done with FSR. This is plain bullshit.

    I'll do my best to ensure Screamin A. Smith gets a 0.0 rating.

    Good move, FSR. Thanks

  45. Think Don Martin (FSR GM/VP) is singing "I am so smart S-M-R-T" What a dumb move - especially with the replacement choice - Really??? Come on ESPN/Mad Dog/Sporting News someone with a brain get Czabe, Scott and Sully on another national show... Good bye to FSR and Good Luck to Czabe and the crew - you guys do good radio!!!


    Like others have said, I listened on XM and Czabe was the only reason I kept the subscription. I drive 53 miles each day to work and Czabe, Scott, Soley and others have kept me entertained every morning for about four years now. You will be sorely missed! The only consolation that I have is that I live in the 757 and I'm able to listen to you in the afternoons. Let us know where you end up Czabe and we'll be there. Good Luck!

  47. Hiring Steven A. Smith to hope to drive up ratings and affiliates...it's a SCAM!!!!

  48. Booo Booo FSR BOO Liars Booo

    No new listeners with Steven A.

    Booo Booo FSR

    Also, Czabe get your shite together and podcast your show on 980!

  49. The Czabe on FSR is dead
    So Sad So Mad
    Goodbye FSR

  50. As a west coast guy, I heard Czabe and the boys only when I was suffering from insomnia at 3 in the morning. Even then, my local radio station started their own awful local show at 5, preventing me from hearing the last hour of the show. Then I found XM and the replay. Then I found the entire three hour podcast, ready for download by 6:15 every morning. No longer did I have to listen M/M or Colin Cowturd on ESPN or my local show! I had a daily three hour fix of Czabe, Scott and Solly. And now it's gone? In the immortal words of Bart Simpson, "I did not know that something could both suck and blow at the same time." Steven A. Smith is truly awful - he was awful on ESPN, he'll be awful here. PLEASE get another syndicated show. You will be missed!

  51. I too am an Angeleno with a 330 work call time, and the First Team got me through to 6 from commute to coffee

    I was crestfallen when Galdi got the boot and this became "The Steve Czaban Show"

    Now I'm heartbroken that it will go from The Steve Czaban Show to "Some wide awake morning jackass doing goofy shit"

  52. Sorry to hear that you are going off the air. I live in Indy and listen to you on my way to work every morning. I also have the choice to listen to Mike and Mike, which I never do. I can't stand sitting in traffic, but your radio show made it bearable. We just lost JMV on WNDE in the afternoon for the drive home, now this? Looks like I am just going to have to quit my job! Good luck in the future and hope to hear you nationally again soon!

  53. FYI. Don Martin is "taking calls" via FSR's Burbank main office line at 818-559-2252.

  54. This stinks worse than a road win on an American Eagle commuter jet.

    Seriously, FSR needs to explain why this was a good "business decision." If they claim to be a legitimate news and entertainment organization, they should stand by their decision. We, the consumers, obviously dont agree.

    Sack up FSR! Explain to us why you made the change, and additionally, why you felt the need to have Czabe take down the prior post and subsequent thread.

    We, as consumers, demand to know the truth.

  55. And so it goes - thanks for the morning entertainment, hope this means you'll get to sleep in!

    Clearly an amicable parting, seldom do radio hosts get to say "good bye" - we usually end up reading about it on "Rupert's" web site :-)

  56. czabe, like all your loyal listeners above, i really am disappointed. got hooked on your show in college a couple yrs ago, and have loved it ever since. over the past year, i have got about 15 ppl i know who were "loyal" Mike & Mike listeners to try you out ONCE, and they were hooked since- all it took was one segment, and they realized that something more awesome was out there! Czabe, i've shared our common redskins misery and found your lighthearted take on sports to be the best part of your show rather than the blowhardery that you hear on others. we'll miss the "reading of the leaderboard" or "i'm so done with" or "remember when" and all of the other unique things that made the show great.

    good luck man, and i know it'll only be a matter of time before you'll be back on in the AM.

  57. S....O....B...... The only true word smith in sports radio and they didn't show you the money. Thanks for all the entertainment Czabe in all my years of listening to talk radio you were one of the absolute best.

    Best of luck


    PS: If someone has a copy of the original goodbye post ... xtasx@cox.net

  58. Hey Czabe, it has been my pleasure listening to you and the crew each day. Here in north MS, there is little to no sports radio worth listening to. I have kept my XM radio subscription because of the sports shows, mostly notably your show. When I slept in, I could pick up the your replay at 11AM. Hopefully, we will hear you on the national scene again real soon. The show was funny and smart. You respected your listeners. I have already saved the ESPN980.com on my computer. Best wishes to all for an awesome Holiday Season! Geaux Saints!

  59. the original post can be found here:

    I feel like I was told my main booty call was moving out of town and got married. man this blows! if I wanted Screamin A, I would have listened to him when he was on the 4 letter crapfest. I feel like a clone when I say this but tell us what to do and we will do it. do you need email, call, picket, fart in their general direction? you name it and we'll do it. In all sincerity, you made the business of sports tolerable for the common folk. ESPN tries to be friends with the athletes and it skews their reporting, you never tried to be friends with athletes, well, maybe just Tiger, in his pre-Chettah days. Catch up on your sleep my friend, and come back refreshed, renewed, recharged and get on a different network and kick their ASS!

  60. What a weak ass. Czabe originally posts the truth with his true feelings, then edits his post to appease corporate. I change my mind, what a pansy ass!

  61. Wow, I am stunned. Your show, with great support from Scott and Solly has made my 1 & 1/2 morning drive not just tolerable, but actually enjoyable. I smile, laugh and nod my head in agreement all the way inot DC every day.

    I hate Steven A. Smith. So forget that. And M&M is the most insipid, empty broadcast.

    Jeesh, maybe I will have to go back to taking the train.

    Best wishes Czabe. You will be missed by many.

  62. I just sent the following email to fox sports. I reccomend everyone going here: http://msn.foxsports.com/feedback and doing the same.

    To whom it may concern,

    The cancellation of the Steve Czaban show is a huge mistake! Then, to replace Czaban with Stephen A. Smith? Wow, talk about doubling down on stupidity. I purchased an XM Radio explicitly for the purpose of listening to the Steve Czaban on my morning commute, but because of this move I have made my last payment to XM. I hope the powers that be at FSR come to their senses in time enough to correct this mistake. If not, I predict the the 6-9am time segment to become the worst rated in FSR history.

    Stephen A. Smith? Seriously? His show on the "Four-Letter" was cancelled for a reason!

    A Loyal Steve Czaban Fan

  63. i'm with the previous posters. Steven A. Smith?!?! Cmon, really? I'm on the phone cancelling my XM subscription as I type this. Peace FSR.

  64. Who ever is running the show at Fox has ruined a once great network. Putting J.T. The Brick on overnights was a bad move. Tony Bruno isn't close to being in his class. Hopefully you'll end up at the worldwide leader.

  65. Czabe...you are a brother from another mother. I was shocked that the ass clowns at FSR did not renew your contract. You are the most talented sports radio guy out there and connect with all of us real "guys" out here. The rest of the team will be missed as well. Solly has a lot of talent and should use this opportunity to stake his own claim somewhere.
    Good bye FSR. I'll check in from time to time to see if Czabe is back and JT is moved back to his rightful spot.

  66. This sucks. This is like being punched in the stomach and kicked in the balls at the same time. Having you, Scott, Solly, and Galdi along for the ride on my morning commute started my day off great. And only recently did I discover the podcasts, so I've been able to hear the whole show during the afternoon (while everyone else here thinks I'm working).

    Between all of the great segments like "Lock It Up", "TMBADQ", and "Where You At? Whatchu Haulin'?", how ANYONE can think your show is similar to the one with those two dopes on the four-letter is ludicrous!

    You guys are like the older brothers I never had and I'm going to miss you. I hope you are able to get another national show soon.

    Godspeed, Czabe!

    ZT in the 336

  67. You know, cutting overhead isn't always the answer. TSCS was the only reason to listen to FSR. This is especially true when LA took over. If I wanted to hear a bunch of douches' with incoherent thoughts yell over one another I would have my extended family over everyday. It started when they blew out Kiley and Booms then when they dropped MPOS and then B. Cox left, Thank god for Ipods and 150 channels on xm. You suck FSR good luck with that no talent ass clown SAS. Boo

  68. Steven A Smiff, this is scary JR, your damn right it is...

  69. OMG! WTF? I just cried at work. Czabe - what will I do without you? I can't believe this is happening. A part of me has died. WHY????????

  70. This stinks worse than Tiger's fingers the day after a Pro-Am.
    I too purchased XM just for the Czabe show. Piss on FSR and XM.
    I'm now listening to you at ESPN980.com
    I guess I'll just cry myself to work in the mornings.
    Keep Czabe.com going!
    SCREAMIN A. SMITH?? Child please.....

  71. Wow. I mean, WOW. Amazing how the Suits are so out of touch with what really works. The best thing about you was that your show was the EXACT OPPOSITE of Mike and Mike's schtick (PGish, totally scripted jokes). The crazy thing is FSR is replacing you with someone who couldn't even survive the afternoon time slot Dan Patrick left open on ESPN when they pretty much held open tryouts (including Marge Schott and Carrot Top).

    You are BY FAR the best thing I've listened to on satellite radio. Even though I'm a diehard Cowboys fan and you and Scotty are Redskins and Eagles fans, I still loved you guys ripping on my Boys! What was even more impressive was your supporting cast. Scott Lin is by far the best radio sidekick! With his dry sarcastic wit, yall played off each other perfectly! Solly was funny, and I missed Galdi's knowledge of pro wrestling.

    Don't mean to be long winded, will have to send you an email of how much I enjoyed listening to you. Just an idea...podcast your show in iTunes. Keep the band together and do it for free like Adam Carolla. Someone will pick you up. Damn, guess I'll listen to Mad Dog. Where else will I get my, "You are Looking Live!" and compare my picks??!!!

  72. amazing how easy it is to get to Don Martin's phone line when you call the number listen above. Dial by name goes right to him. You have to enter his entire last name--it will prompt you fir more info then enter his first name. Goes right to him :-)

  73. Czabe, Scotty, and Solly,

    It has been a pleasure listening to you guys the last 7 years and nothing will come close replacing you. FSR needs to realize that guys like me - mid 30's, married with 2 kids, six figure income, etc are exactly the demographic they want for advertisers and you appeal to this group. Your takes on sports but even more so on life as a dad, husband, corporate life made me laugh my ass off every day. I also loved your trips "down memory lane" as a 12 year old sports fan at heart. Best of luck and I will be listening to your DC show. This listener is guessing you'll be back on national radio sometime in 2010!!

    Matt in MN

  74. Czabe, you were the best thing on FSR and the magic radio. Will someone who's more web savvy than me start the web site "Bring back the Czabe.com". My only hope for not ramming into the car in front of me in pure frustration is for Mad Dog radio to pick you up.

    Good luck to you, Scotty and Low Def.

    To the bone heads at FSR...what a dumb ass move

    You will be missed in the 281

  75. Man, this blows. Steven A Smith? What the? Fox, fair and crazy

  76. Wow, what a bunch of asshats at FSR. I'm done with them and probably XM too. You were the only reason I kept my subscription. Like some of the other guys said, surely Mad Dog or somebody will pick you up. I'll listen on espn980.com. This freakin sucks...

  77. This video sums up my thought;


  78. when fsn bumped bickley & mj to the afternoons here in phoenix for czabe and dan patrick's shows, i was pretty irritated. i'm pretty much in my car 30mins in the morning and only caught czabe's show. it definitely grew on me. so when i got in the car to hear czabe banter with "the chainsaw" gregg doyel only to hear a couple of unfamiliar voices, i was pissed. that was always a highlight of my thursday morning. bonehead move, fsn. definitely dug your show czabe. good luck with all future endeavors!

  79. I'm so done with Fox Sports Radio and their horrible decision making.

    Remember when Steve Czaban was FSR's best on-air personality - yeah, it was this past Tuesday, his last day on the air.

    Hey, FSR, replacing Steve Czaban with Stephen A. Shmuck, yeah, how'd that work out?

    Lock it up: Stephanie A. Suck will be off the air in less than a year.

    Man crush: Czabe, Linn and Solly.

    Boo FSR. Boo. Liars. Boo.

  80. This is totally going to suck. I have listened rabibly for the past several years ever since subscribing to XM, and this has been the one channel I have had locked in since that time while all the other ones have changed repeatedly on the presets. Czabe is also my man crush...not that there is anything wrong with it! Steve go a step beyond and do an Interweb broadcast (beyond the podcast)...I'd be willing to pay!

  81. Damn, Czabe. I've been listening to you and Scott since you were on in the evening. I haven't been thrilled with FSR on-air decisions over the last year. Needless to say, they lost me permanently on this one. I'm glad you're leaving on good terms because I'm not. Jam it, FSR.

  82. Czabe:

    You are hilarious.
    You will be missed.

    Patrick from Pittsburgh

  83. Hopefully Sporting News Radio decides to pick you up for their empty 6am-10am slot.

  84. I don't know about you, but my peenie just did NOT go whummmmph...

  85. Wow... I'm speechless..., just dumbfounded... sad day for morning radio! Pour some out!

  86. I'll bet Fox will regret this move just as they did (apparently) when they dumped Bruno. I see he is back.

  87. czabe, love your show with andy on 980. I actually got XM so I could listen to your show when Snyder took over 980 and Mike and Mike. I agree with all the comments. You made my morning drive easier. So, tomorrow, I am cancelling XM. No reason to have it anymore.

    Keep up the good work on 980 and this just makes my morning drive suck. Not a fan of the junkies, and the only person who I can take less than M&M in the morning would be Screaming A.

  88. The morning drive will not be the same. I kept my XM because of your show. Can't wait till your are back on the national airwaves. From the 605 thanks for everything !!!

  89. Your show was the only reason that I have kept my XM Radio. Last year, FSR cut many of the shows that I loved and replaced them with weaker shows (Dan Patrick and Chris Meyers in particular). Your show and the others were the ones that had personality and are actual sports radio shows that even my wife enjoyed listening to when we went on trips. I've been listening to your show since 2005 and it's the one thing that made my morning commute. I haven't been thrilled with FSR with their programming changes and I will be canceling my subscription to XM radio. FSR can go get bent!

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Gonna miss you on the magic radio in the AM Czabe. You’ve gotten me hooked on 5 hour, Leinenkugels, and as part of the New Year’s Resolution, P90X. FSR is the biggest bunch of pompous douche bags I've ever seen. Other than weathermen, is there any occupation out there where you can screw things up this bad and still have a job?
    To spin a favorite holiday line, “If any of you are looking for any last minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like FSR's program manager, right here, tonight. I want him brought from his happy, holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other rich people. And I want him brought right here, with a BIG ribbon on his head. And I wanna look him straight in the eye and I wanna tell him what a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, fore-flushing, low life, snake liking, dirt eating, inbred, over-stuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fatass, bug-eyed, stiff legged, spotty lipped, worm headed, sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah, Holy Shit! Where's the Tylenol!”

  92. all you loyal listeners, I'm calling for a czabe-out when stephen a's show starts. I cant call, but I've got my 66369 distribution list set up on my phone and will send messages during the regular time slot. Let's tie up their lines and flood the inbox. it's time we go nWo on FSR

  93. From the 502-we only have one hour of your show in our market so I scramble to the computer to listen to hours two and three. I cannot believe I won't be waking up with you, Scott, and Solly every morning. I may be a "chick" but you guys are the best sports guys on the air, bar none!

    I'm done with FSR--you were the only reason to tune in!

    Hurry back Czabe!

  94. One of the only reasons I signed up for XM radio was to be able to listen to your show every day. What a bunch of donkeys ... I quit listening to Rush to listen to you at noon.

  95. I too signed up for XM when the morons in Norfolk VA replaced you with ManCow. Now I'm soooo pissed. I actually enjoyed getting out of bed early to exercise and listen. PLEASE get hooked back up on XM !!!

  96. Not reupping with the Czabe...EHHHH I DON'T LIKE IT!!!

    Upon further review, there is no need to listen to FSR anymore.

    I'm so done with the sports media desperately trying to forcefeed Stephen A down our throats when we don't really care about him.

    Oh yeah, Steve, your replacement sucks. He's just terrible.

  97. Hey, Czabe. As a chick, I know I wasn't your target audience, but you were there for me five days a week every morning at 6:04. I would veto any and all activities that took me away from my magic radio and you, because you are just that funny.

    I'll keep following you, man. You just let us know where you're going and we'll be there with bells on. You're the best and FSR has lost a listener by not keeping you, Scotty and Solly the wonderful little group that you are. Love you to death and hope to hear your wonderful voice soon.

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. No doubt this proves FSR is as low rent as they come across. The Czabe and his very funny takes and cerebral approach was lost on the Exec jag offs at CC and FSR. Some of the "talent" has always been completely base anyway. At least The Czabe was entertaining. Now we're going to get another Philly/NJ/NY hack. I appreciate Steven A, b/c he says what he means and means what he says. BUT SMALL DOSES. That is what everyone wants of Steven A. We don't need him everyday. His act wears thin on a daily bases. They treat Myers like he is a legends? Then they rotate a bunch of monkeys in with him. Actually that show is a perfect example. Hartman simply yells his point, sounds like a Jersey shore hack, then worse they have Vic Jacobs. Tiger hating, Kobe sucking, hack. You know not every sports fan is a pay check to pay check living Neanderthal. How can these guys all be LA centric and sound like NY Yankee butt boys. Nice job Clear Channel and FSR. Boy do you have your finger on the pulse of America. I hope Chris Landry leaves soon as well. This two-bit operation doesn't deserve a sports mind like his. He gets lost in all the gumbas anyway. Also, another reason to cancel XM. XM, USE TO BE something you could count on. Like Channel 43, XMU, they let Sirus screw that wet dream up. ARGH!

  100. As a long time listener, a listener that subscribed to XM so I can get my daily Czabe after my local Syracuse affiliate dropped you for the hate filled Imus show. I am now very disappointed to hear that you are again being dropped for another hate filled show. This will unfortunately make me turn back to the bland M&M show on the 4 letter network and will make me rethink my annual XM subscription when it comes due in March as I can get that show for FREE!!!

    Good luck Czabe!!! I hope to hear you on the airways very soon.

  101. I can't believe FSR canceled the best sports talk show on radio.

    Like many others, I only purchased an XM unit to listen to the Czabe.

    I'll be writing FSR and XM to complain, and will be canceling my XM subscription.

    Best wishes to Steve and the crew. Thanks for making me and my family laugh.

  102. This was a blow to the heart man! I live in the DC area and have suffered from losing the show off the air to finding it online. I thought I was good with the iPhone podcast on my long drive to work. What a son-of-a-bitch-bastard move by FSR!

    FSR first made this mistake with Bruno and now this. What a huge demographic they lose out on with this. Granted, they wanted to move in a total opposite direction from Mike and Mike, but Czabe was already doing that! Hopefully, the 4 letter will pick you up in some capacity. Now, please, please, please get the fine folks at 980 AM to start podcasting the entire Sports Reporters broadcast!!!

    Fans, the Sports Reporters is just as good b/c Andy is there for Czabe to rag on.

    Czabe go make your money man! Like someone else said, you are a true wordsmith.

  103. Sorry to hear this Czabe. I'll miss your show...


  104. To FSR I ask:

    "This is an outrage . . . how do you intend to placate me?!"

    Let's see . . . there is officially no further reason to listen to FSR anymore. Not only Czabe, but Shemon, Siciliano, Maller . . . and they want me to listen to things like the "PMS" screamfest. Tahnks, but no thanks.

    Czabe, I hope you land on your feet. Thanks for the memories. I'll take them and . . . lock them up.

  105. I started listening to Czabe back in the mid-90's during his One-on-One days and have enjoyed listening to he and Scott every morning for the last few years. No doubt about it he is the best in the business. FSR is dead to me. They might as well go grab Stu Scott and Chris Berman from the 4 letter for the afternoon drive and just turn the entire schedule into a steaming pile of horseshit.

  106. I'm devastated. There hasn't been a better trio on the radio.

  107. Damn, Czabe! That sucks. I was looking for you on Fox 1370 in Baltimore this whole week. This explains why I couldn't find you! Now I really have to wait until 4pm to listen to you and Andy. Now as much as I love listening to you, Andy can be damned annoying. This is depressing. But dude, if Snyder decides to give you the boot (I hope not!), it would be great if you stayed local and joined 106.7! Best of luck to you, Czabe!

  108. oh my gosh Czabe..... have been listening to you from Orange County, California for years, and for whatever reason, I am a Redskins fan from California, so always felt we had a lot in common. Your radio show was much more entertaining than any radio show i had ever heard. Your replacement, Chris Moore, has got to be the biggest dweeb ever. I am in shock by this decision. You deserve a National Show.

  109. Czabe,

    I was terribly sorry to learn that your show was cancelled by the powers that be. I would like to thank you and Scott and Solly for all of your hard work over the years. Your show has made the trip to work easier as it both enlightened and entertained. I hope that it will not belong until the nation hears from you again. You will be greatly missed in the 804. For what it has worth I have written a bitter but respectful missive to Fox Sports Radio pointing out the folly of their decision.

  110. So SAD to learn of this news. I wake up at 4 am to listen every M-F. It gets me to work on time & gets me in a good mood all day! I hope your back on somewhere soon. I've been a fan for years-even before FX. My local sports station here in FMN,NM on Wednes did a little tribute to everything we will miss about your show! It sucks. Best Wishes & I too will reverte to my iPod!

  111. I came to your blog to yell at you for giving me that horrible Chris guy for 2 weeks, only to find that my favorite morning show is leaving. My husband wakes up to you in the morning and over the years i've grown to love your show. I'll miss you and Scott and Solly . .

  112. I am crushed. Loyal listener in the 317 since 2006. I'm keeping tabs via facebook. you better get another national gig.

  113. UFR...FSR brass is dumb.
    ISDW all of the other crappy morning shows.
    Czabe without a show....ITS A SCAM!!!!
    TMBADQ...did you leave to secretly take vinny's job?
    LIU...when you have another national show, the 615 will be listening and texting!!!

  114. Well, guess it is time to cancel the old magic radio. Not worth having now. I loved the orignal line up and it is why I kept xm after the trial expired but now without the Czabe, Shemon & Washington, and Siciliano I dont see the point...

    Good luck czabe, I will give xm a month to get you back on.... Screw chanel 142.... from the 502

  115. FOX STINKS. If we must suffer at least put Bruno back in the AM. I hate this.......

  116. Thanks for making my mornings more enjoyable. You'll be missed!

  117. This is like getting coal in my stocking. You'll be missed and FSR will regret not renewing you.

  118. Big mistake for FSR.

    I really enjoyed your take on the world of sports and enjoyed listening to as much of your show as I could. Stephen A Smith is an acquired taste, and I think most of your loyal listeners will be looking elsewhere.

    In the meantime, I'll try to pick up your show on the internet.

    Best wishes!

  119. This REALLY STINKS! It always made my day to listen to the CZABE! I used to listen even at night. I even got several Magic Radios so I could listen! Boo ...Thanks for the great show from the 412

  120. I know that canceling my XM account was no way to revolt but Czabe was all I listened to on it on a regular basis. I sent feedback to both XM and FSR venting on this horseshit. I'm so far over FSR's crap that my bare ass lights up in the nightsky orbiting the moon.

  121. All righty then. I will keep my eye open for your show to get picked up and I will be forced to listen to ESPN Radio now on the way in....how ironic.

    Long, longtime listener. Have found you where ever you go. No one duplicates.

  122. This sucks BIGTIME! They should have axed Petros and Money. They aren't close to being funny. And who in their right mind can stand to hear Petros scream the whole time? Totally axed the wrong show.

  123. To give you an idea of who runs what, I pulled this from Wikipedia:
    Fox Sports Radio, abbreviated FSR, is an international radio network consisting of sports talk programming all day, every day. The network is a service of Premiere Radio Networks (a subsidiary of Clear Channel Communications). Fox Sports itself has minimal control over the network; it is simply branded as such per a two-way marketing agreement. Premiere continues to keep the "Fox Sports" branding license from Fox Sports's parent company News Corporation.

    Now the important part - Julie Talbott is the President of Content and Affiliate Relations of Premiere Radio Networks (as of or around 12/07/09). She is the one that has the power of the contracts. We need to find her email!!!!!

  124. F'ed up. F'in Sceamer Radio. I'm so done with it.

  125. Thanks for everything Czabe!!! Heard the new guy this morning...horrible!

  126. Wow...Stephen A Smith in the morning?? I do not need an angry man screaming at me that early. What a ridiculous decision.

  127. As a daily listener, I just wanted to thank you for the enjoyment you've given all your listeners in he past seven years...you, Scott, and Solly will be missed. I won't cancel my XM subscription, but I can't say I will be listening to XM142 any time soon. Good luck, Czabe, and may many record-breaking brown trout club entries be with you.

  128. The only reason I have XM is to listen to sports radio... M&M just don't do it for me.
    Goodbye XM... thank FSR.

    P.S. I start P90X next week... I figured, if an bald fatboy can do, so can I.

    Thanks for telling truth and taking a stand.

  129. A sincere THANK YOU for the smiles and laughs over the years. They made the mornings at my desk much more tolerable.

  130. I just realised on the drive-in this morning that you are gone. That new guy is terrible which leaves me reaching for the FM channels and just listening to music. Sad day.

  131. Czabe,

    Your show was great and I will be canceling XM now unless we can get you to picked up by another one of the stations.

    SASmith show sucks so far :(, now I am stuck with M+M :(:(

  132. Email Fox Sports Radio! I did, and following up with a cancellation of my XM Radio. Not that it's their fault, but it's the only thing I listened to on my way to work, so back to AM for me. What a boneheaded move by FSR.

  133. Czabe- Just figured out what happened after putting up with Sreamin' A for ten minutes. Are you freaking serious FSR!?! As many have accurately stated above, your show on XM142 was my entire justification for having XM.

    Kudos to you for the best show on radio. I had kicked Rome and the local boys to the curb from 9-12 for your show. I like the Mad Dog idea. Being a Seattle Sports fan is a daily kick in the gut. Your show was always good National therapy.

    Looks like my wife is the only winner here as she always complains about me quoting your show during dinner. But, she is starting P90X soon!

    Hang in there, bro. You know this is a tough game. Keep us posted where to find you next. I am done with FSR. Guess it's over to Michael Kay and Mad Dog.

    By the way, no one sounds like m&m...thank God for that

  134. FSR ........ you suck, Steven A Smith, you also suck ...... damn, my mornings now suck, A Big FU to FSR

  135. I have never taken the time to place a comment online since the internets inception. I assumed Mr. Smith's show was a filler while you were on vacation. Tuning into my xm radio (which I purchased to hear you guys)Monday morning I was again greeted by Steven A's voice. I actually got on line to find out what was happening. I love you're show like many others. I sometimes listened to it twice a day. It is thoughtful, witty, informative, and provides all you're listeners with lighthearted laughs. A rare commodity in todays world. I will miss your show and catch it on line any time I can. I'll catch you every day once you and your crew sign a lucrative national contract, much like Dan Patrick. The cream rises to the top. If any FSR personal are smart enough to read these comments...you've made a tremendous mistake. But what do I know?...I'm just your sponsors target audience. Clearchannel let Howard Stern go....hows that workin out for em. I'll be hearing you again soon nation wide. Thankyou. Now I'm going to compose a letter to FSR. I'm so done with them.

  136. Czabe...my morning sports radio listening in the shower will never be the same...(awe... come on...don't go there!)

    The daily czabe...the snarky 4 letter references...what...I refuse to listen to the teaser and superlatives show on the 4 letter. Love steven, but he's no czabe! I'll have to have my son tape the show in Salisbury for me now...and we were so close to winning a lienenkugel vacation!!


  137. Czabe, you will be sorely missed on am910 in Richmond, VA. Your wit and constant one-liners were great sources of joy for me. Even my 13 year old step daughter, who knows nothing about sports, loved your show and never wanted to miss "The Daily Czabe."

  138. You are the man Czabe !!!!!!!! SAS replacing you is like replacing toilet paper with a brillo pad. Josh from Rhinosbeagles.com

  139. Insert sound of grown man crying: ________

  140. Here's some other addresses y'all can voice your feelings to starting with the top at Clear Channel:
    LLowryMays@clearchannel.com; RandallTMays@clearchannel.com; MarkPMays@clearchannel.com; BillLHamersly@clearchannel.com; BillLHamersly@clearchannel.com; lisacdollinger@clearchannel.com; AndyLevin@clearchannel.com;

  141. Czabe, you are the only reason I listened to my local Fox affiliate. Check that, you were the only reason I listened to my local Fox affiliate.

    It's laughable they brought in Smith...he'll wear thin quickly. Upon further review, this is a sad day and one Fox will regret.

  142. Just got back from vacation and I turn on FSR and lo' and behold what do I hear but that whiney little b**** Screaming A. Smith. I am disgusted. Czabe, you will be missed more than you know as I have XM and have the option of SAS or M&M on my drive in. Thanks FSR. Now go f yourselves.

  143. Fox forced this move? Unbelievable. You were better than 90% of what FSR airs. I tried the new show... I now listen to ESPN in the mornings... Sigh...

  144. In Albany, New York, I guess I was lazy and had assumed that Czabe was on vacation. The SAS show is absolutely unlistenable (is that a word?), I listen to ESPN radio advs rather than switch back to SAS. FOX Sports had bettter management, I had assumed. This is one of the most dumbass decisions I have ever witnessed.

  145. I'm so ticked off... I kept wondering what happened to your show since Stephen A. Mouth kept showing up in your timespot on Fox Sports Radio. I mean, to go from the intelligent and self-deprecating humor of your show to Mouth's show is just awful. I guess the idiots win again. They won when Arrested Development was canceled. They won when Paul Blart: Mall Cop was created and put out to the public. They win again.

  146. Best thing Czabe listeners could do would be to ascertain who sponsors the SAS show and boycott their products or services.

  147. Please for the love of God team up with JT the Brick to create the greatest sports talk show of all time!!

    All the best in the future to ya Steve


  148. Czabe, Sciciliano and JT the Brick! The coolest f'n radio show EVER!!!

  149. In Czabe's souther lawyer voice: "Hwhy this is an utter outrage." Que "Sad Trombone" for FSR's loss.

  150. I cannot believe this...by FAR the best national show on the air...or at least it was! I am going to have to try to catch you online, but really liked you and Solly and Scott together...not gonna be the same. Pimp yourself out to the 4-letter network...someone ought to pick you up!

  151. Just another example of how the radio industry has been taken over by bean-counters who don't have a clue about programming. Very sad.

  152. Well, thats it I am canceling XM Radio now. I can pick up ESPN the commercial on my local radio station. As much as I cant stand Mike and Mike, I guess I have no other option. Stephan A Smith is a clown and I will not listen to him. His opinions are predictable and his soap box antics are ridiculous. The least they could have done is hired someone with an education instead of a wanna be street thug.

  153. As an "older man", I often get up to pee around 3 a.m. Once I climb back into bed, I can't always get to sleep immediately. So, it has become my (pleasant) habit to flip on the bedside radio and listen for a while until sleep overcomes me once again.

    Imagine my horror when the calming tones of Czaban were replaced by the loud, hectoring voice of Smith. I have nothing against Mr. Smith, but jeez, calm DOWN man. It's 3 a.m. on the left coast ... give us a break, would ya?

    I should also point out that I am a Canadian - a member of the most polite race on earth (except when we're playing hockey). Canadians don't like to be yelled at ... even though we seldom say so.

    I've programmed a different, late-night station into my bedside radio now. Nighty-night, and good luck.

  154. I thought it was a joke that my coworkers were playing on me saying you wouldn't be back but after reading all these we'll miss you.. I'll check out the local show.

  155. ...first the Fat Boys break up and this! Czab, I will miss you and the boys during my morning commute. Good luck!

    Jason (310)

  156. I turn off FSR when Rome comes on, he’s annoying and his schtick plays to unintelligent cave dwellers. Steven A??? He makes Rome look good. I can’t stand his pompous attitude and would turn off ESPN whenever he came on the screen. Thanks Fox. I can now turn you off in the morning as well. Czaban got me hooked on Fox Sports Radio, and, driving over 25,000 miles a year, was constatantly tuned to your stations. I am done. Thank goodness for the reasonable alternative of Mike & Mike. Now I’ll listen to Czabe on the web in the afternoons. Czabe - get the gang back together as soon as you can!

  157. I couldn't believe it when I got back from vacation, was ready to listen to you here in Houston (for the whole hour that we got on free radio), and instead heard Smith. You had the BEST sports show on radio, bar none. Intelligent, timely, witty, ... Glad you'll be on the Web. Best of luck to you and your compatriots. (I grew up on the mean streets of a little town near Blacksburg, hope to get back that way to retire!)

    Tom Dickens

  158. I listened to your show for YEARS, dammit, clear back to...uh...when they called it the "First Shift, on FOX!" (Did they call it that?)

    Getting rid of Ben Maller & Karen Kay on weekdays was FSR's first dumb mistake. Getting rid of tha Czabe was their second. I will never listen to Fox Sports Radio again, at least...not intentionally. This Smith guy in the mornings...ugh. Listening to him is like listening to "Soft Hits & Lite Jazz!" I'd rather get a root canal in all the teeth in BOTH my heads.

    Imagine having a station where you play classic rock all day, and then you decide to re-format to Kenny G. & Hewey Lewis. "Hey, here's a great money-saving idea! Let's save money by completely alienating all our listeners!"

  159. Sorry to see you go. I have Stephen A Smith in your place on XM. He still sucks. Take care and I still can't find the P90X photos. Hope it worked out for you.

    Mel, Cleveland

  160. Czabe, we will miss you dearly. I consider Mike and Mike an average sports radio show but ...SAS??? I can only imagine what out of touch white collar baffoon made this blunder. I fear you may have intimidated one of the more liberal sides of FSR. Good luck in the future although you're good enough not to need luck!

  161. Miss you Czabe....whats the use of having XM radio if i cant find your show. Can only take Steve A for five minutes at a time. How can we bring you back to XM? good luck

  162. dear steve, i faithfully listened to your show every morning for years...it will be very hard for fox to replace you. i've tried tuning in to steven a. smith,but thats not working for me.you and your crew would get off subject (sports) sometimes,however you always brought it right back to sports.i find s.a.smith too self-absorbed..i will tune in to your new broadcast on-line.have a great future!

  163. Say it aint so!!! I'm sure I am definitely outside your target market at age 50 + and female, but I can tell you I have been a faithful listener back when I was a mom driving her silent, groggy son to high school; your show was the common denominator between a mom and her tempermental teenager. I continued listening even now as my son is a Junior in college. Your show made me a better sports fan--I loved your sports smarts and humor and fond of all your childhood stories.You seem to have the perfect point of reference for any listener of any demographic to relate to--I think that's what I appreciated the most. Fight for a national show so that I can listen to you in INDY again!!!! The timeslot is perfect for your style. Thank you for the inside look into the world of maledom, I felt like such a voyeur.

  164. What, I leave the US for a couple of weeks and the whole world is now backwards. 1st day heading to work I tune in to my FSR XM 142 to hear the latest on the world according to Czab and instead hear screaming SAS. SAS is the reason I left the 4 letter (along with Dumb and Dummber in the morning). Not good.

    Thanks for all the Czab Show (fka 1st Team on Fox) has provided. Will continue to keep up with the crew via the web site.

  165. I hesitated coming to the website, because I feared the worst. I don't know anything about ratings and all that jazz, but I know that I drink 5 hour energy, buy leinenkugels, and purchased a Power 90 (not 90X, but still) program. Advertiser dollars spent on the Czabe show worked on me.

    What a sad day. And I am not even going to mention the replacement.

  166. Good-bye Czabe, you and your cast of crazies will be missed. WNDE AM1260 in Indy just lost a listener for good. No CZABE and you put that tool Mark Patrick back on the airwaves along with Stephen "quite frankly" A. Smith.

    Sporting News Radio Pick the Czabe up right now.

    Back tp ESPN Radio I go.

  167. You are certainly missed. It's been a month now and my mornings are just not the same.

  168. As many of the other comments have stated...I first started listening to you in the 6-9 am hr on AM980, then they moved your show for SAME AND SAMER......So I invested in a satellite radio just to be able to hear your ranting and raving! NOW THIS.....I AM PISSED!!! PLEASE LET ALL OF US KNOW IF YOU GET ANOTHER MORNING SHOW SO WE CAN OVERLOAD THE DIALS TO CONTINUE FAITHFULLY LISTENING! YOUR SHOW WAS OFF THE HOOK!! FOX SCREWED UP WITH THIS ONE! BEST WISHES!


  169. Steve you made my day. I spend most of my time in the car driving to customers and you made me laugh out loud. I loved your show. I know the radio business is all about ratings and money and i don't understand how they could replace you with Steven Smith (he really sucks) but good luck in whatever you do.
    Don't change a thing you were soooooo funny and entertaining.

  170. I never got the chance to listen to you on your native station. But I did enjoy haveing you on 102.9 the hog Milwaukee.

    "google me b*tch" hahaha that helped snow plowing go by faster.

    You should make another guest appearance

  171. OK,

    It is now the beginning of April, 2010. Fully four months after after removing Czaban's show, people continue to post comments decrying Steven A. Smith and asking that Czaban be returned to a national-level broadcast.

    This is not rocket-science.

    Someone at the executive level of Fox Sports Radio; please do your research, analyze some statistical data on what/who people want to listen to in Czaban's former time-slot and then make the right decision. Put Czaban, the "money-magnet, snark-co-seur, Snyder anti-ite," back on the air.

    Then, all you need do is remove Smith's show, re-vamp and re-up Czaban's crew. Easy stuff!

    I can tell you that my wife is not a sports fan; however she listened to Czaban's show WITH me many mornings. It was so much fun.

    Without any framing or agenda setting, I asked her to listen to the "new show." She was totally put-off with Smith and she, along with me, will NEVER listen to that man.

    FSR executive, we forgive you. Now, cut your losses, buy Smith out, then kick him out and put Czaban and his crew back on the air.

    I ask you, is this about ego or money? Which of those two are going to address your profit margin?

  172. Strongly agree with Gregory above. I miss my "Daily Czabe". I can listen to him locally (live in Reston, VA) but the evening drive time show is not nearly as interesting, compelling, funny or as smart as was the morning show. FSN: wake up, bring back the Czabe!

  173. I hate SCREAMIN' A SMITH. Go to hell FSR.

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  176. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, to Sporting News Radio for giving me my morning show back. To hell w/ FSR. Tuesday Sept. 7th, 2010 was a glorious day for me as Czabe, Scott, Solly and Gauldy are back in my life on the national airwaves. WOOHOO!!!

  177. This comment has been removed by the author.

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