Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Poll: Kim Kardashian's Post Baby Prospects

Kim Kardashian recently complained "I'll Never Be Sexy Again!" Well, is she right?
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  1. I love seeing her fat and unhappy, just another worthless celeb who does nothing.

  2. Funny how most of us who were married longer than a day knew exactly what was going to happen after she got knocked up....

  3. Surprisingly, being pregnant means putting on quite a few lbs. But, we've seen this story before. She'll get hooked up with the nutritionist and personal trainer and will be back in "amazing" shape.
    She's worth tens of millions dollars, has never worked a day in her life (not counting being on her back for Ray J), and never has to do anything other than look hot for her stupid show.

  4. Seriously. I'll bet most of us can spot SEVERAL women in a heartbeat who are WAY more attactive than ANY of the Khardashians where we work or play.

  5. I pray all the Kardashians board a plane and it spirals into a mountain.

  6. Tick Tock, that's a heartless, horrible thing to say. And I could not possibly agree more with you.

  7. Would have taken more than 6 hrs pre-baby! Not likely to happen. Then again, what the hell else is she gonna do? Raise a kid? HAH!!!
